Tuesday, February 15, 2011

On a Schedule Update

I wrote a post a few weeks ago about being on the waitlist for several of my classes. Well, I am glad to say that my schedule has been worked out and I have obtained all the classes that I need for the spring semester. : )
My schedule is as follows:


9-10AM Asian American Studies (I needed the units and it's a breadth)
10-11AM Classics (Roman Civilization)
11-12PM Math 16B (this was the class that I was most afraid of NOT getting into)
12-1PM Chem lab lecture (yes, there is a separate lecture for ochem lab.. unfortunately...)
1-5PM OChem lab (painful as usual)
5-6PM Asian American Studies Discussion..
(As you can see, my Mondays are absolutely terrible- usually I skip math lecture to have lunch hahaha)


8-9:30AM OChem lecture
(That's all... hahaha.. )


9-10AM Asian American studies lecture
10-11AM Classics lecture


8-9:30AM OChem lecture
9:30-11AM Math discussion


10-11AM Classics lecture
1-2PM Classics discussion

Well, there you have it! Personally, I like my schedule. Sure my mondays aren't the best, but that means the rest of my week is extremely chill. I'll take it : ) Also, I prefer to have my classes early in the morning and get them over with so that my afternoons are free for studying and whatnot. Also, I have Ochem review tuesday, wednesday, and thursday nights for about two hours each.

Total Units: 16


Saturday, February 5, 2011

On Toy Story 3

Now I'm not the biggest fan of the Toy Story franchise, but I must say, Toy Story 3 was one of the best movies I have ever seen. Not that the story line was amazing or anything (although it was pretty good), but the fact that it was so relatable made the movie one of my all time favorites. In the movie (for those of you who haven't seen it), Andy makes his final preparations to go off to college. In doing so, he has to give up his toys and his mom recommends he donate them to a daycare center (was it a daycare? I can't remember). Well, it so happens that the daycare toys are overrun by a dictator bear Lotso (who also smells like strawberries apparently).

Anyway, in the movie, Andy ultimately decides to give the toys to a family friend/neighbor's young daughter. And as he's playing with her and the toys, it broke my heart to think that our childhood was really coming to an end (mind you, I was freaking out about going to college and really sad to be leaving my home and friends). And it took all my willpower not to cry when Andy drove away into the sunset with his toys looking after him (I was with my younger sister so to have cried would have been embarrassing hahaha).

We grew up with Andy, and when he left for college, we too were leaving for college. The movie really hit-home the fact that we were all grown up and we had to move on, and that, my friends, is a really scary thing to realize. And when it does, believe it or not, you'll be ready. Just hang in there. I promise it'll get better : )


Thursday, February 3, 2011

On College Food Part I

Sorry for the lack of posting these past few weeks. I haven't been busy per say, I just forgot to get around to it. Once again, sorry!!

Apart from the academics, many incoming college freshman worry about the notorious FRESHMAN 15.
What is this you ask? Well, it's 15 pounds that college freshman gain throughout their first year of college. How? Because all the food at colleges are basically laid out in buffet style, making it very easy to grab seconds, thirds, and possibly fourths. Apart from the dining commons, there's also a variety of little shops and cafes where you can get a quick bite here and there, grab your fourth cup of coffee for the day ; ).

Here at berkeley, apart from the dining commons (which I think suck personally), there's the Golden Bear Cafe which has a grill (hamburgers, tuna melts, fries, tatar tots, crispy chicken etc), sandwich place (kind of like a Subway.. but worse..hahaha), and the salad counter. The grill is o.k for a while but then you get tired of the food real quickly. The sandwiches are also o.k, but the salad has to be the best. This is also in comparison to other salad places around the U.S. I don't usually like salad, but the salad at the GBC is absolutely addicting!

Apart from the GBC, there's Pete's Coffee (the nearest Starbucks is on Shattuck- Downtown Berkeley), which is...a coffee place... hahaha. Not as good as starbucks but still good : )

I almost forgot about the Asian Ghetto! The Asian Ghetto consists of mainly small asian restaurants with one italian restaurant. Eh.. it's ok.. I usually go there for boba and not much else. (there's a Thai place, korean bbq place - sketchy-, doughnut place [not asian I know, but I think it's run by an asian guy], and...other asian restaurants that I can't remember at this time hahaha)

As for me, I actually lost weight coming to college. Since the food was so bad, I stopped eating at the dining commons and  I would just get a salad for dinner every night which a sandwich for lunch and toast or yogurt for breakfast. I have a salad in front of me as we speak.

Now the spring semester is well under way, my roommates and I have decided to go apartment hunting together- scary I know ; )
