Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dear Reader 54

Hi K,
I read in a previous post about how you needed to get a chickenpox vaccination to volunteer for Alta Bates.

But from what I understand, since we were born in the era of "getting chickenpox once is enough immunity" (i.e. before the varicella vaccine was standardized) do I still need to have proof of vaccination to volunteer? Or can I just get a blood titer for chickenpox antibodies and save myself some money?

Thanks in advance!

Dear Anonymous,

Yes, you can just get a blood titer :) 


P.S Here's the link for the health clearance requirements:


  1. can you post about the classes you're taking this next semester?

  2. Hi K,

    I wasn't able to get into a Chem 3AL lab this semester and I won't be able to take summer classes this year. Is it feasible to take Bio 1A/L and Physics 8A as well as Chem 3AL in the fall? This is really messing up my plans, since I wanted to take Chem 3B/L next spring and I heard you need 3AL to take 3BL.

