AnonymousMar 15, 2012 08:35 AM
what extra curriculars are good for pre-meds? Good as in useful, impressive, manageable....
I'm a first year student whose had a lot of trouble getting into the social scene here at cal. my grades are fine, and I'm a very well-rounded and busy person, but at cal I've found it hard to commit to any groups. so what do you recommend, and what should I do??
I'm a first year student whose had a lot of trouble getting into the social scene here at cal. my grades are fine, and I'm a very well-rounded and busy person, but at cal I've found it hard to commit to any groups. so what do you recommend, and what should I do??
Dear Anonymous,
I am possibly one of the worst people to ask about the social scene... As of late, I haven't had much time to devote to my social life. But let me see if I can help. If you're looking for simply premed extra currics, then as a freshman, I would start looking into research and volunteering opportunities- it's never too early to start. If you're looking for an activity that will help make friends, well that's a different story haha :) My advice would be to look for a group where you'll be placed with a small number of people. From past experiences, I realized that doing a competitive activity helps make friends very quickly, such as Mock Trial or a sport perhaps. In fact, I would highly recommend trying out for mock trial- Berkeley has one of the nation's best law programs and it wouldn't hurt to stand apart from the rest of the med school applicants. The only problem is that Mock Trial takes up A LOT of time- as much or maybe more than doing research. If that don't appeal to you, then try looking for a volunteer position or internship where you'll be placed within an intimate group. But I understand your frustration in finding it difficult to commit to groups- I have the same problem haha. Sorry I can't be more helpful with this one- but best of luck!
i'm in charman's 8a physics class as well. how are you studying for this test?? it feels like we were never even taught the material and i don't know what to do!
What's the difference between physics 8A/8B and physics 7A/7B? (Is 7A/B harder or 8A/B?) Which physics classes are good for med school or it doesn't matter?