Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dear Reader 21

You mentioned AMSA before as a popular pre-med club. I'm wondering whether or not getting involved in something everyone's already a part of is really beneficial. I've looked at AMSA's site but I can't really see the point of the club itself... do you have any other recommendations? tips for joining clubs in general? how can I set myself apart more on a resume?

Dear Alex, 

I apologize for the extremely late reply! My response to your question is: it depends.. It depends on what you're looking to get out of AMSA. If you're not sure what direction to take as a premed (for instance, getting research, volunteering, med school applications, extra currics, letters of rec, etc.), then AMSA might be a great resource, since they can help you with..well.. pretty much anything medical-school related.. haha. However, you're right, it's a club that practically every pre-med student joins because it's the standard premed club to get involved with at every major institution. If you feel like it's not worth your time, then it probably isn't. I'm not a big club person myself, so unfortunately, I don't have any tips for joining clubs. As for setting yourself apart on a resume, well.. that's the age-old question that every premed asks and one that i'm trying to figure out myself haha. 

Good luck! :)


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